About Us

HadeeQasim Solar is a part of Group of Companies that has a long history, of Import, Export, Retail and Textiles, spanning over more than 4 decades.

With our energy initiative, we aim to provide Solar solutions to Residential & Industrial consumers of Pakistan at low cost.


HadeeQasimSolar envision a clean & equitable energy system that directs control and benefits back to local
communities, with solar on every roof and more money, saved from high
electricity bills, in every pocket.


HadeeQasimSolar is a community of people building a new energy system with
rooftop solar at the cornerstone. We help people go solar, join
together, and fight for their energy right at low cost.


HadeeQasimSolar is committed to diversity and inclusion as the foundation of
both our work and our workplace. We believe in bringing all voices to
the table and celebrating differences within and between communities. We
strive to create an organizational culture and a solar movement that
celebrates diverse viewpoints and life experiences.